As a bonus when you sign up for our A Mi Manera: Setting Respectful Boundaries with Others While Parenting Workshop, you’ll also be automatically invited to join us for our FREE A Mi Manera Holding Circle taking place LIVE on Zoom Saturday, December 16th from 9 AM to 10 AM PST.
Because we all have uniquely lived experiences, identities, and personal needs, our Holding Circle will be facilitated by several members of our Latinx ParenTEAM. During our Holding Circle, we will go into breakout sessions where you’ll be able to join other moms, child-free tias, dads, or LGBTQIA+ siblings & adults so you can express yourself in the company of other people who you can relate to on a closer level.
This will be a judgment-free and safe space where we’ll have the opportunity to listen to one another and hold each other in community as we share the struggles we’re currently facing with setting boundaries with loved ones or friends. To maintain everyone’s privacy, our Holding Circle will NOT be recorded.