Hola, queridos! Soy Leslie Priscilla. I’m a first-generation non-black Chicana mother to three bicultural children. I’m a descendant of Indigenous Tarahumara Rarámuri and Spanish lineages, and I’ve resided on occupied Tongva and Acjachemen land, a.k.a Orange County, CA, all my life.
I’ve been working with children, caregivers, and familias for over 14 years, both as a teacher and through work with various mental health organizations throughout Orange County. But now I share my medicine with you all through Latinx Parenting, the bilingual organization I founded.
Latinx Parenting is rooted in children’s rights, social & racial justice, and antiracism, and offers family education and support that is trauma-informed, healing-centered, amplifying of our strengths, advocacy, and culturally sustaining of and for the Latinx community and its allies.
Through curated and passionate content, workshops, and courses, Latinx Parenting supports parents, caregivers, and former Latinx children to heal their lineages, raise thriving future ancestors, and create more connection with themselves, their children, and their cultura. My belief is that through this work we can leave a legacy of thriving for our gente. I’m so happy that you’re with us on this journey!
Escuelita is Latinx Parenting’s learning platform and community for our public workshops, courses, trainings, and events. It’s both the place where you can watch replays of the offerings you signed up for and the place where you can engage in discussion and build community with other participants.
You get access to Escuelita by enrolling in one of our offerings. Upon enrolling you receive access to the community space you paid for as well as to La Plazita, the space where every enrolled student and community member can gather to discuss and build community.
Unless otherwise noted, all workshops and courses are recorded versions of our offerings. Our Intensives are only offered twice a year and are offered live via zoom. You may pre-enroll for the next session at any time.
Yes, once you’ve purchased access to one of our workshops or courses, you’ll have LIFETIME access to go back and revisit the material at any time.
At this time only our workshop offerings have Spanish translation is available. If available, you will receive access to the translation immediately after registering. Por ahora hay traducción al español disponible para nuestros talleres. Recibirá acceso inmediatamente después de registrarse.
We’re glad to hear our offerings resonate with you! At this time, only our Latinx Parenting Professionals Intensive, as well as our Decolonized Nonviolent Parenting Workshop and the 6-week series, are open to relevant supportive allies of Latinx & BIPOC. Our aim is to cultivate spaces that truly serve the people they’re meant to.
Maravilloso! You can definitely gift one of our offerings to a friend or loved one. Since our courses are accessed digitally, it is important for us to have each participant’s email address, so please provide the email address of the INTENDED RECIPIENT on the checkout page, then pay with your payment method. Then be sure to share the good news with the person you gifted our offering to right away to confirm they received their digital product since links our links have expiration dates.
We’re so grateful! In order to keep track of participants, and be able to effectively communicate with each participant, we require separate checkout transactions with a unique email address for each participant. If you are with an organization or otherwise wish to purchase more than 6 tickets, email info@latinxparenting.org to inquire about a group rate or alternate billing arrangements.